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Welcome to Linton Dog Grooming!

“Where your pet's experience comes first!”

Offering grooming services for small and medium size breeds

The Puppy Package

It’s important to start young with grooming to get your puppy used to the salon environment and ensure a positive experience is gained.

For puppies aged 3 to 6 months

£45 — over three visits.

The reasons for the multiple visits is to ensure we are able to set your puppy up with the best possible introduction to the salon sights and smells, not to terrify him with a sensory overload by launching into a full groom on his first salon visit.

My aim is to set you both up for a winning relationship with being groomed, avoiding the traumas that come if grooming anxiety sets in and escalates, setting you both up for a lifetime of positive grooming! I will make sure we begin with a positive experience with your puppy’s coat maintenance. My motto, humanity over vanity, is the core of the way I groom your dog.

Heidi and her certificate

During your visits for the puppy package, I will be using desensitisation and counterconditioning techniques.

  • Desensitisation is a gradual exposure to scary things, starting with a low level (short periods or short distances) and increase volume or decreasing distance slowly.
  • Counterconditioning is a technique to change the way your dog feels about scary things by pairing them with something positive (like play and treats!).

I will also advise you on brushing techniques you can use at home to help to avoid brushing anxiety.

We have ONE chance for your puppy to have the best possible start to their future grooming experience. It is wonderful to be able to work with you and your puppy to help build up a trust-based relationship to make their grooming experience the best it can be!

Please ensure your dog is flea-free before booking to avoid additional costs and cancelations. See below for more details.

Puppy Package Details

First visit – Approx 15–20 mins – “Getting to know each other”
We get to meet in the salon and have a little play, during this session I use some "free work" techniques to observe your puppy’s character and likes and dislikes, plus observe their response to me switching on the shower, dryer and clippers – to gauge if there are going to be any areas of particular anxiety.
second visit – approx 20–30 mins – “physical contact, trust & bond growing”
We can introduce them to being placed into the bath with a lick mat for treats (with shower running next to them) also place them on the grooming table, if they respond well, we can run the clipper handle down their back to check for reactions. I can do some more "free work" activities and play to finish up our second visit on a really positive note.
Third visit – 1.5 hrs – 2 hrs – “complete trust” – full groom
Final grooming visit includes a bath, brush, gentle blow dry, hygiene areas, trim around the eyes, paw tidy, and nails if needed.

Subsequent grooms up to six months at £25 per groom.

NB: The above package or similar can also be applied to older dogs who have developed grooming anxieties. The cost is subject to dog size, breed, coat condition and the particular anxiety they are experiencing. All packages will be tailored to the individual dog and will be designed to help them overcome their individual challenges. Please contact Heidi to discuss your needs and arrange a meet & greet to see if I can help you.


If we find the little blighters part way through, I will finish the groom.

However, if your dog is found to have fleas before we start, I cannot continue with the groom because of the risk of cross contamination.

Includes From
Cost of salon deep clean and flea bomb.
Cost to cancel clients following your appointment.